Thursday, November 11, 2010

This year will be remembered in the future for many issues that have had place on it: the earthquake, the miners tragedy and rescue, and the bicentenary celebration. This last topic has been inserted in everything our country has done: we are all Chilean, we have to be proud of it, we all should be happy for being part of this great nation that is turning 200 years, 200 years of freedom and growth. But truth is there’s nothing to celebrate, except to celebrate that we celebrate.

For example, in the bicentenary year´s nobody thinks the education is well, but also there is not authority that has a real alternative for the education. Many experts have said that the Chilean education is very segmented and that this is a problem for the poor families and the society in general. So there is one reason for not celebrate.

In addition, the poverty far from reducing has grown in the last time. It is evident that the social policies applied during decades are a failure and that the economic politics does not help very much either. But on the press, on the congress and the spaces of the elite, they continue insisting in spite of doing more of the same thing. The big problem is that poverty affects the live of a many persons in our country –for the most part children and grandparents- and also is a obstacle for de development, because there is not country that could develop with so many poverty and inequality.

Neither have been fulfilled the promises of development done by the last presidents. Excuses are too much but the fact is clear, for the bicentenary we are not a developed country. We still basing our economy in commodities, we have not change that bicentenaries character of our country.

Then, it is for these and other reasons that there was nothing to celebrate in these 200 years of the nation. If I was coming to my birthday number 200 years without make real my projects, I would ask me about what I have don bad and who to fixed, before doing a great party. But Chile doesn’t do that, the party was first and I hope the public discussion and the action come now.

Nevertheless, I must recognize that as all I enjoyed the celebration because it is good to have days without work and study to share.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


When I was a kid I thinking that I live forever in the same place, I love my first home, because in this part I had many friend, because the place when I lived was a close passage and all people to know. This home stayed in Maipú, I lived here 10 years. My second home also stayed Maipú, but the different are that the second was closer of the subway Pajaritos I live here only for two years. The home when I live now stays in Providencia, I live in a ninth floor, I live here since 10 years ago. My last home is in a convenient location, because near of this we can see the supermarket, and bus stop.
I live with my sister and my Mather because my parents are separated. About my neighbors, I only know the people of one flat; there are Pedrito and her Mather Loreto. I have a particular relation with their, because they are a friendly people.
In my bedroom I have a stand with all my text and different think for the university, I have a bed, and a lot of “cachureos”, for the reason that is so difficult to me throwing thing, because I think that a lot of thing you can to return to use.
I like about my home that when rain I can see “La Cordillera de Los Andes”, other think that I like is that my home are big, and I can to invite a lot of people. Also, the location is so great, because in only 20 minute I stay in the center of Santiago. I don’t like that never go on the sun of the flat, that is because for its orientation, this thing In the winter is terrible because you ever need to turn on the heating.
When came the moment I go out of my home, and I think that I like live in a house, because ever have a garden and you can have a pets.
About my dream house…
The location of my dream house are stay in near of the different place about I go constantly. I think about this size that I don´t like a bigger house, I only like to live in a place when I can to invite to my friend and that have two bedroom, one for to sleep an the other for have an space for to study. I don´t think about its style, the only thing that interesting to me is that have ever the thing that you need for live

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Santiago is a city that has a lot of pollution; this is a big problem for the people that live in the capital of Chile. The education of this country should do something for to find a solution of this problem, because is a problem of the society, and the new generation of Chile should have conscience for the consequence of to do nothing for that.
In my life, every day of the week I take my bike and I ride to the university I prefer use a bicycle because of the noise and pollution in the bus, it is very irritating, but when I go a far place I use the transantiago for the time. I think that this thing isn`t have a solution of the problem, but at least don´t increase the problem.
In the university are some eco groups, they are organizations without another interest that look after the environment in the campus. The Campus Juan Gomez Millas have a lot of green areas, trees, flowers, but not all the people take care of it. It´s usually see bottles, papers, bags and another stuff lying on the ground, fouling the grass, almost always after the party. For that reason some students of the University, from different faculties, like natural sciences, social sciences, arts, philosophy, etc., started with a group to give information about environmentally friendly practice. They put dumps, one to each kind of trash, papers and cartons, plastic things, and glass. Also they painted some places in the campus to take attention of the students. I don’t participate in this organization because I have other interest but I try to use the different trash.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I like going to the cinema, but I think it is too expensive. For that reason and because I don't have many spare time, I don't go there very often, though I would like to. I went to the movie theater for last time in July, to watch Toy Story 3.
Because I don't go to the movie theater that much, I tend to watch the movies that are shown in the cable, and also bought movies. So, I tend to do it at home.

My favorite movie is “La lengua de las mariposas” . The director of this movies is José Luis Cuerda. I do not know much about him, but I think that this movie is a good creation. This movie is about the Spanish Civil War, and it's settled down in Galicia.

The main characters in this movie are Moncho, a child that is 5 years old and his teacher, Don Gregorio. Both characters have a very special telationship between them. It's like a father and his child, but they are also friends.

The movie shows the scholar life in Galicia. Moncho started the school but he has a lot of fears because he realises that the teacher mistreat the children. But he found out that the teacher likes the liberal and republican idea. This teacher is a victim from the terrible event of the period, when the fascist rebellion has avictory in this small town. The final is sad because the teacher is arrested and killed.

I like this moviee because shows the simple aspect of the life, in a moment that the violence stays in every space of the life. And we can see that friendship is not about age, is about love and mutual understanding. It is a must see movie, I totally recommendend, and I have watch it at countless times.
I live in Santiago since I was born, I think that Santiago is a great city because we have a lot of things near, and it has many interesting places to visit.

A foreign tourist should visit San Cristobal hill, because it has different activities for any age person: it's a family place. You can go to the zoo, you can make ASADOS, and you can go up to the TELEFERICO and watch Santiago from the highs. It's important to know that you have to go when there's no smog, specially if you're going to go up just to watch Santiago.

Another place that tourist should visit is the Cementerio General. It has a night tour where workers from the graveyard show the different places and myths around the death people who is resting there. But, to go there, it's important for you to not be a coward, because in that case you won't sleep aat night.

A place that also must be visited in Santiago is Bellavista neighbourhood. It's a great places to go with your friends to have a great time and drink something. If you're a tourist, you have to know the night life in Santiago, and Bellavista can show you how people have fun in here.

The Parque Forestal it's a beautiful place to visit. You can take a walk, relax, and visit some of the museums around the area. Besides, it's considered the "green lung" of the city.

Finally, the Mercado Central it's a place that must be visited. You can eat sea food from our ocean, which are very delicious and typical from our country. Every tourist that wants to know the chilean flavour, has to go to the Mercado Central.

Like these, are other great places to visit. Santiago is a beautiful city to know and hang around in.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Music

Since I was a child the music was a very important part of my life because it makes me feel so happy, have a good time or think about the topics of the songs, etcetera.

My father was a very important inspiration or influence in me, specifically, about what kind of music do I like and listens until the present day. He listen so much Chilean music, like Victor Jara, Violeta Parra, Quilapayún, Inti-Illimani, Buddy Richard, Zalo Reyes, Florcita Motuda, Los Jaivas, amog others bands. This kind of music is very important to me, specially, because their political discourse.

To me, one important element of music must be the message that it has; the discourse of the songs must be related whit our lives, our social contexts and sing about the problems and positive things we have in our lives. And specially, I believe, at least some percentage of music must sing about the political and social contexts, based on political thoughts and the hope of a better world.

In the present day, I like a lot of contemporary Chilean music as well, like Manuel Garcia, Nano Stern, Chinoy, Camila Moreno, Francisca Valenzuela, Guiso, among others. And, some months ago I started to listens punk music, like La Polla Records, Fiskales Ad-hoc, Sex Pistols, among others.

Finally, my experience as a musician is very small. In the school I play flute in a scholar’s perform about the mass killing of Santa Maria, based on the “Cantata of Santa Maria”.